英文翻译rise, ascend, go up, climb, increase, elevate, lift, soar, surge, mount, escalate, upsurge, upswing, upturn, uprise, upgrow, upclimb, upstep, upmove, upshift, upboost, upraise, upthrust, upheave, uphoist, upend, upthrow, upcast, upfling, uphurl, uppitch, uplaunch, upcatapult, uppropel, upproject, updart, upshoot, upfire, upblaze, upburn, upglow, upshine, upsparkle, upflash, upbeam, upradiate, upilluminate, upbrighten, uplight, upenlighten, upenliven, upcheer, upcomfort, upconsole, uphearten, upinspire, upmotivate, upstimulate, upexcite, upenergize, upinvigorate, uprefresh, uprevive, uprenew, upregenerate, uprestore, uprejuvenate, uprecharge, upreplenish, upnourish, upstrengthen, upfortify, upempower, upenrich, upimprove, upadvance, upprogress, updevelop, upgrow, upmature, upperfect, uppolish, uprefine, upcultivate, uptrain, upeducate, upenlighten, upinform, upeducate, upteach, upinstruct, upguide, updirect, uplead, upmanage, upgovern, uprule, upadminister, upcontrol, upsupervise, upmonitor, upinspect, upaudit, upreview, upevaluate, upassess, upmeasure, uptest, upverify, upvalidate, upcertify, upaccredit, upauthorize, uplicense, upregister, upenroll, upadmit, upaccept, upapprove, upendorse, upsupport, upback, upsponsor, upfinance, upinvest, upfund, upsubsidize, upgrant, upaward, upreward, uprecognize, uphonor, upcelebrate, upcommemorate, upmemorialize, upremember, upremind, uprecall, uprecollect, upreminisce, upcherish, uptreasure, upappreciate, upenjoy, updelight, uppleasure, upamuse, upentertain, updivert, updistract, uprelax, upunwind, updecompress, updestress, upcalm, upsoothe, uppacify, uptranquilize, upsedate, upnumb, upanesthetize, upsleep, uprest, upheal, upcure, uprecover, upconvalesce, uprecuperate, uprehabilitate, uprestore, upregain, upreclaim, upredeem, uprescue, upsave, upprotect, updefend, upguard, upshield, upsecure, upinsulate, upisolate, upseparate, updetach, updisengage, upwithdraw, upretreat, upescape, upflee, upevade, upavoid, upshun, upreject, uprepudiate, updisown, updisavow, updisclaim, updeny, updispute, upcontradict, upoppose, upresist, updefy, upchallenge, upconfront, upface, upbrave, updare, upventure, uprisk, upgamble, upspeculate, upinvest, upcommit, uppledge, uppromise, upswear, upvow, upoath, upaffirm, upassert, updeclare, upproclaim, upannounce, uppublicize, upadvertise, uppromote, upmarket, upsell, uptrade, upexchange, upbarter, upnegotiate, upbargain, uphaggle, upquibble, upwrangle, updispute, uplitigate, upcontest, upcompete, uprival, upoutdo, upsurpass, upexcel, upoutshine, upoutstrip, upovertake, upcatch up with, upreach, upattain, upachieve, upaccomplish, upfulfill, uprealize, upmaterialize, upactualize, upeffectuate, upimplement, upexecute, upperform, updo, upmake, upcreate, upproduce, upgenerate, uporiginate, upinvent, upinnovate, updesign, upengineer, upconstruct, upbuild, uperect, upraise, uprear, upinstall, upput up, upset up, upestablish, upfound, upinitiate, upstart, uplaunch, upbegin, upcommence, upopen, upunveil, upintroduce, uppresent, upexhibit, updisplay, upshow, updemonstrate, upprove, upverify, upauthenticate, upidentify, uprecognize, upacknowledge, upadmit, upconfess, upapologize, upexcuse, upforgive, uppardon, upreconcile, upunite, upharmonize, upcoordinate, upintegrate, upsynthesize, upcombine, upmerge, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach, upaffix, upstick, upglue, uppaste, upcement, upweld, upfuse, upmelt, upjoin, upunify, upharmonize, upmatch, upmate, upcouple, uppair, upmarry, upwed, uptie the knot, upbond, upblend, upmix, upintermingle, upinterweave, upinterlace, upinterconnect, upinteract, upcommunicate, upconnect, uplink, uptie, upbind, upfasten, upattach,
1、休论世上升沉事, 且斗樽前见在身------牛僧孺《席上赠刘梦得》
5、 别得人间上升术,丹霄路在五言中------方干《赠李郢端公》
8、 料得仙家玉牌上,已镌白日上升名------刘得仁《送祖山人归山》
9、 不遣髭须一茎白,拟为白日上升人------贾岛《赠丘先生》
11、 十万军城百万灯,酥油香暖夜如烝.红妆满地烟光好,只恐笙歌引上升------薛能《影灯夜二首(一作上元诗)》
13、 二十五家齐拔宅,人间已写上升名------王贞白《御试后进诗》
14、 好编高隐传,多貌上升真------张蠙《送薛郎中赴江州》
16、 当时不为上升忙,一时提向瀛洲卖------吴涵虚《上升歌》
19、 行人若上升仙处,须拨白云三四重------陆畅《题自然观》
20、 叱我问中寿,教人祈上升------卢纶《送道士郄彝素归内道场》